Create - problem-solving competency Conduct - management competency Collaborate - teamwork & leadership competency Communicate - communication competency
Case Solver
Future of HR

Dear Reader,

In the following survey we would like to introduce Spartafy, our competence assessment tool.

Spartafy aims to bring reality closer to skill evaluation. With a gamified experience and a lifelike story, you can measure 23 different skills that are essential to success in today’s workplace. Measurement results in detailed reports that can show a person’s attitude, skillset and fit.

Besides measuring skills, Spartafy is customizable for your need. You can tell your own story through a unique case study completed with your visual image.

The aim of the following survey is to give you a peek into how users see Spartafy. Our surveys can measure different skillsets, have increased difficulty or contain customized features as well. Click through this survey to try it out!

Best regards,
The Spartafy team

Technical suggestions
In order to have the full experience please consider the following points:
  • Fill the test using a PC or laptop
  • We suggest using Chrome or Firefox browsers
  • Completing the test takes approximately 15-35 minutes, but you can just click through to see its functions as well
  • Should you have any technical difficulties or questions, contact us at for support
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